Primary Contact
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Company Information
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What is the name of your company?
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What is your company's website?
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This could be the primary location of your home office or the primary market your company serves.
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FinTech, PropTech / Payments, Lending, Crowdfunding
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¿Qué problema estás resolviendo?
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¿Cuál es su ventaja competitiva?
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Ventas del periodo y acumulados, Usuarios activos, % churn
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Nombres, % de acciones, roles y funciones, horas de dedicación, relación con problema a resolver.
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Recurring Revenue, Usuarios Activos, Transaction Value, NPS
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Pre-semilla, Semilla, Bridge, Serie A
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Tamaño de Ronda actual
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Valuation Cap si es SAFE o Nota Convertible. Pre-Money Valuation si es venta de acciones
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SAFE (Cap, Discount, MFN), KISS, Notas convertibles y/o Equity
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SAFE (Cap, Discount, MFN), KISS, Notas convertibles y/o Equity
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Si tiene otro documento que deberíamos revisar, súbalo aquí.
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